The work licenses are granted at the users’ solicitation, against payment, for a month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, as the case may be, for each of the activities that will be carried on into the Free Zone.
At the work license expire term, the owner can apply for a renewal.
The documents in base of which the work licenses are granted, within Giurgiu Free Zone, are the next one:
1. For USER economic agent or natural person that has direct contractual relationships by Giurgiu Free Zone Administration:
a) Romanian legal persons
– deed of settlement for the commercial society (statute and society contract, the sentence or unique paper of settlement, eventual additional papers by which are modified some clauses of the memorandum of association, registration certificate from the Commerce Register, fiscal registration certificate);
– certificate of registration of the society at Commercial Register Office where the firm has the registered office;
– fiscal registration certificate;
– the appliance completed according to the type model, annex 2 at no.1431/2002 OMLPTL;
– empowerment of the person that represents the firm for carrying out the necessary formalities for work license release into Giurgiu Free Zone;
– concession, rent, joint-venture or services contract (including confirmed orders, offers, mandates accorded and other similar documents), settled by the Company State ree Zone Administration with the users.
b) Foreign legal persons
– deed of settlement into the foreign countries for the commercial society, translated and legalized in Romania;
– certificate of incorporation at the Firms’ Register, where the society has the registered office;
– certificate of incorporation of one sub- unit (branch, agency on the Romanian territory);
– fiscal registration certificate;
– the appliance completed according to the type model, annex 2 at no.1431/2002 OMLPTL;
– empowerment of the person that represents the firm for carrying out the necessary formalities for work license release into Giurgiu Free Zone;
– concession, rent, joint-venture or services contract (including confirmed orders, offers, mandates accorded and other similar documents), settled by the Company State Free Zone Administration with the users.
– the proof of the foreign firm record at the fiscal agents within Giurgiu county territory, regarding the activity that will be developed into Giurgiu Free Zone.
c) Natural persons
– the appliance completed according to the type model, annex 2 at no.1431/2002 OMLPTL;
– concession, rent, joint-venture or services contract (including confirmed orders, offers, mandates accorded and other similar documents), settled by the Company State Free Zone Administration with the users.
– the identity paper of the person (identity card, others)
– criminal record;
– fiscal certificate released by the territorial fiscal agents from where the person lives.
2. For THIRD PART economic agent or natural that has relationships with a user of the Free Zone.
a) Romanian legal persons
– deed of settlement for the commercial society (statute and society contract, the sentence or unique paper of settlement, eventual additional papers by which are modified some clauses of the memorandum of association, registration certificate from the Commerce Register, fiscal registration certificate);
– certificate of registration of the society at Commercial Register Office where the firm has the registered office;
– fiscal registration certificate;
– the appliance completed according to the type model, annex 2 at no.1431/2002 OMLPTL;
– empowerment of the person that represents the firm for carrying out the necessary formalities for work license release into Giurgiu Free Zone;
– concession, rent, joint-venture or services contract (including confirmed orders, offers, mandates accorded and other similar documents), settled between the user of Giurgiu Free Zone and the third part.
b) Foreign legal persons
– deed of settlement into the foreign countries for the commercial society, translated and legalized in Romania;
– certificate of incorporation at the Firms’ Register, where the society has the registered office;
– certificate of incorporation of one sub- unit (branch, agency on the Romanian territory);
– fiscal registration certificate;
– the appliance completed according to the type model, annex 2 at no.1431/2002 OMLPTL;
– empowerment of the person that represents the firm for carrying out the necessary formalities for work license release into Giurgiu Free Zone;
– concession, rent, joint-venture or services contract (including confirmed orders, offers, mandates accorded and other similar documents), settled by the Company State Free Zone Administration with the users.
– the proof of the foreign firm record at the fiscal agents within Giurgiu county territory, regarding the activity that will be developed into Giurgiu Free Zone.
c) Natural persons
– the appliance completed according to the type model, annex 2 at no. 1431/2002 OMLPTL;
– concession, rent, joint-venture or services contract (including confirmed orders, offers, mandates accorded and other similar documents), settled by the Company State Free Zone Administration with the users.
– the identity paper of the person (identity card, others)
– criminal record;
– fiscal certificate released by the territorial fiscal agents from where the person lives.